Vast experience in Project and Contract Management


Global Contract Management

We are a group of experienced professionals in the development, execution, and optimization of projects and contracts in all their stages. With over 20 years of experience in sectors such as Energy, Mining, and Construction.

Our team combines solid academic knowledge with extensive practical experience, allowing us to provide comprehensive support in Strategic Contract Management and Project Management, empowering professionals in all involved areas.

We have extensive experience in the multiple specialties that are involved for the timely achievement of the objectives set by the organizations; within which are the following:


To achieve our purpose, our work team develops services within the framework of the following values, which are established as fundamental pillars of our company.

At Global Contract Management we encourage and demand Respect, both for people, organizations and the environment. We respect freedom of opinion, gender diversity, equal opportunities and human rights.

The development of our services is always carried out with the highest demands of transparency, ethics and honesty.

At Global Contract Management you will always receive honest and reliable advice, no matter how complex the situation.

We develop our services with the highest quality standards, always considering the possibility of continuous improvement. Maintaining an operational discipline day by day, which allows us to carry out our tasks correctly and the first time.

We respond with the best disposition to different challenges and adapt quickly to all kinds of contexts.

We are fully aware of the responsibility we must have in caring for the environment and fully committed to the safety, health and well-being of our team, collaborators and communities.

At Global Contract Management we identify ourselves and make our Client’s objectives our own, we work with a sense of urgency and motivated to deliver solutions that meet and exceed our Client’s expectations.

At Global Contract Management we promote sustainability in the development of activities. We make sure to provide solutions minimizing any impact on the environment, without losing sight of the generation of value.

At Global Contract Management we promote new business models, offering new services and improving processes, to meet the expectations of our Clients.


Advise our Clients in a timely, practical and effective manner, generating and rescuing value for the business. Participating with highly qualified and respectful professionals, both with people and with the environment.


To become a Strategic support of our Clients for the generation of Value.

Mision-Vision Global CM

Quality Politics

Global Contract Management is a comprehensive contract management company for projects in the mining, energy, and construction industries. We perform Contract Audits; Handle Claims, Disputes and Dispute Resolution. We manage the satisfaction of our clients with services of a high quality standard, complying with the applicable requirements of our stakeholders and always committed to the continuous improvement of our processes for the achievement of the proposed objectives.

We are committed to:


Build long-term relationships with our Clients, delivering a quality service that meets their expectations and adds value through the incorporation of PMI, Lean and Agile methodologies.

Promote the culture of doing things right the first time, having an expert, cohesive and committed team over time. Disseminate comprehensive management throughout the organization.

Systematically improve the processes considered in our Quality Management System and establish human relationships based on Respect, Transparency, Trust and Commitment.

Maintain a competent and suitable team, updated and that seeks the permanent absorption of new technologies in our processes.

Anti-bribery Management Policy

Global Contract Management is a comprehensive contract management company for projects in the mining, energy, and construction industries. We perform Contract Audits; manage Claims, Disputes and Dispute Resolution.

We are committed to conducting our business with the highest standards of integrity and responsibility with special emphasis on preventing any type of public or private bribery in our organization.

This policy demonstrates our commitment to corporate responsibility, helps promote an ethical corporate culture and enhances confidence among external stakeholders about the way we do business.

GlobalCM, in its interest to promote continuous improvement, is committed to the Prevention of Bribery.

Therefore, the following guidelines have been decided:


Any Employee, Officer and/or Contractor of the Company who suspects or has knowledge of any corrupt or bribery conduct must report such conduct and denounce it to the Company's Management.

Ensure compliance with customer, relevant stakeholders, applicable legal and regulatory requirements, and those that are voluntarily submitted related to the prevention of bribery.

Protect employees who in good faith or with reasonable evidence report a violation of the Policy, or the commission of any corrupt or bribery conduct, by safeguarding their identity should they wish to do so.

Our organization prohibits corrupt conduct or bribery and requires compliance with anti-bribery laws applicable to the organization.

Identify, evaluate and control the risks of our processes in a comprehensive manner, implementing preventive and corrective actions.

Conflict of Interest Policy

Global Contract Management is a comprehensive contract management company for projects in the mining, energy, and construction industries. We conduct Contract Audits, handle Disputes, Claims, and provide support in Disagreements. We are committed to conducting our business with the highest standards of integrity and responsibility, with a special emphasis on preventing any form of public or private bribery within our organization.

In its effort to promote transparency and business ethics, Global Contract Management is dedicated to Conflict of Interest Management:


Acting with loyalty and diligence towards the organization, avoiding any relationships, influences, or activities that could affect or appear to affect the ability to carry out duties or make fair and objective decisions for GlobalCM.

Refraining from conducting any business or operations based on feelings, likes, preferences, or pressures.

Never exploiting any situation to gain benefits from suppliers, contractors, clients, or users.

Not participating, facilitating, or promoting the unlawful use of privileged information to which access is gained through the course of duties.

Promptly reporting any actual or suspected cases of violation of this or other policies, whether by oneself or by another member of GlobalCM.

Declaring any type of conflict of interest arising from: Kinship relationship with another member of GlobalCM or with ownership or management of a supplier, contractor, client, or competitor; Ownership relationship in a company or entity, directly or indirectly related to GlobalCM; Management relationship with a company or entity that provides services to GlobalCM or is related to it as a supplier, contractor, client, or competitor; and any situation in which a member of GlobalCM believes that it impairs their impartiality for decision-making or could go against the duty of integrity.

Information Security Policy

Global Contract Management is a comprehensive contract management company for projects in the mining, energy, and construction industries, dedicated to ensuring customer satisfaction through high standards of information security services. We commit to complying with applicable stakeholder requirements and continuously improving the necessary processes to achieve our proposed objectives.

In this regard, we pledge to:


Promote Information Security Awareness: Instill throughout the organization the necessity of information security and foster an understanding of individual responsibilities.

Enforce Responsible Resource Use: Establish measures for the proper use of information resources by staff and stakeholders, along with the steps to be taken for their protection.

Implement Essential Information Security Measures: Identify vital information security measures to adequately safeguard the organization against threats that could compromise the confidentiality, availability, and integrity of information.

Establish Information Security Management System: Deploy an Information Security Management System that facilitates appropriate decision-making to prevent the loss or misuse of information assets (data, equipment, printed documentation, etc.), and mitigate the risk of reputational damage as a strategic entity. This includes minimizing the potential for complete or partial disruption of the processes supporting the business.

Gender Equity Policy

Global Contract Management (GlobalCM) promotes the existence of diverse and gender-balanced teams, as this approach brings together varied perspectives that contribute to forming a more comprehensive strategy, better understanding market conditions, and enhancing the organization’s development and productivity.

Due to the above, GlobalCM commits to the following:


Incorporate Equal Opportunities and Gender Equity: Integrate gender equality and equity in all people management processes to reduce gaps between men and women across all organizational processes and levels. This fosters a fair, equitable, and non-discriminatory work environment.

Implement a Gender Equality and Work-Life Balance Management System: Establish a gender equality and work-life balance management system as a tool for cultural transformation. This system should involve and engage every individual within the organization and set indicators that guide decision-making and continuous process improvement.

Promote Inclusive Language: Encourage the use of inclusive language in the company's communication systems as an expression of commitment and consistency with gender equity and work-life balance. This approach promotes respectful and equitable treatment and works towards eliminating biases and discrimination within GlobalCM.

Prevent and Address Harassment and Violence: Promote measures for preventing, detecting, and addressing sexual and workplace harassment, as well as identifying and preventing domestic violence. This is to reject any behavior that threatens the dignity, development, and quality of life of employees and strengthen respect and trust in labor relationships for all GlobalCM members.

Facilitate Work-Life Balance: Provide means for the work-life balance of GlobalCM employees, fostering a work environment that harmonizes and balances work responsibilities with family and personal interests. Implement measures that encourage shared responsibilities.

Support Participation in Decision-Making: Foster and facilitate the participation of GlobalCM members in decision-making, implementation, and evaluation processes for plans, programs, goals, and outcomes that realize the fulfillment of strategic objectives.

Environmental Policy

Global Contract Management, together with all its professionals, acknowledges its responsibility to control and prevent pollution and minimize environmental impacts in support of the right to live in an environment free from contamination, in accordance with the current Chilean legislation (Law 19.300).

To achieve this, we undertake the following commitments:


Compliance with Legal Requirements: Adhere to current legal and regulatory requirements, as well as other applicable obligations concerning environmental protection.

Implementation of Best Practices: Employ good practices for pollution control and environmental preservation.

Objective Communication: Communicate objectives and goals to employees, enabling them to carry out their activities with an environmentally responsible approach in alignment with our defined policy.

Waste Management: Manage all waste generated during project development in accordance with the provisions set forth in current legislation (Decree No. 148, from the Ministry of Health) and the environmental guidelines of the client.

Expert and Multidisciplinary Consulting

At Global Contract Management we have a professional team that has an average of more than 20 years of experience participating in the development of Greenfield, Brownfield and Stay in Business projects; Participation in medium and large-scale projects through EP, EPC, EPCM, BOT, BOOT contracts, among others, guarantee the knowledge and experience that allows us to deliver an accurate analysis and recommendation under an expert global perspective.


In addition to this, we have a multidisciplinary group of consultants with vast experience, whose service is activated depending on each case and when the situation requires it. This modality translates into first-rate professional services at low cost.


We also have a solid experience in handling conflicts, claims and controversies; part of our team has participated in important mega contract negotiation processes, obtaining important achievements in the recovery of value.

Among the Clients in which most of our team has participated, either directly or indirectly, we can mention the following: